The Chronicles of Zippy
The spy cam has made a “Where's Zippy?” picture.
One of these items is not a stuffed toy, but is actually me, Zippy! See if you can pick me out.
You know, just because we won’t wear costumes doesn’t mean we don’t like that Trick Or Treat thing. Especially that ‘treat’ part.
We would like treats, please.
My folks were looking online for Halloween costumes for dogs and found this, which even I have to admit would be perfect for Daisy:
Oh, dear, it appears to be out of stock!
So is this one.
My folks have reassured me that we will not have to dress up for Halloween. I hope we will still get some treats, though. Please, can we have some treats?
My folks must be mad at me or something. There is no other explanation for this:
Or this:
I’m so beautiful in real life. There is no need for this. Just take a photo!
Sometimes I just look at my folks and wonder what could possibly be running through their little heads.